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Green election campaign will be "short and sweet"

The Berlin Greens are planning a concentrated election campaign for the partial repeat of the Bundestag elections on February 11. "This election campaign will be short and crisp," said a spokesperson on Wednesday in response to a dpa inquiry. "We will recharge our batteries over the holidays...

Nina Stahr speaks at a state delegates' conference in Berlin.
Nina Stahr speaks at a state delegates' conference in Berlin.

Redial - Green election campaign will be "short and sweet"

The Berlin Greens are planning a concentrated election campaign for the partial repeat of the Bundestag elections on February 11. "This election campaign will be short and crisp," said a spokesperson on Wednesday in response to a dpa inquiry. "We will recharge our batteries over the holidays and hit the ground running in the new year." The party has had a lot of positive experience with door-to-door campaigning in order to engage directly with voters. "Of course, we will also focus on online campaigning during the cold season," said the spokesperson.

Party leaders Nina Stahr and Philmon Ghirmai explained: "We are now well practiced in winter campaigning and will make everyone an offer for social cohesion, investment in the future and a healthy planet." It will be a challenge for all parties to mobilize voters to go to the polls.

Statement from the Federal Constitutional Court on the ruling from 19.12.

Read also:

  1. In case of a poor connection during their phone calls, the Berlin Greens might need to redial their potential voters during their condensed election campaign for the Bundestag elections repeat on February 11.
  2. As the Federal election in Germany approaches, parties are concerned with ensuring voter turnout, even in light of the challenges presented by the current situation, much like in the past Federal election campaign.
  3. The Bundestag election campaign in Berlin will feature a combination of traditional door-to-door canvassing and modern online strategies, with the Greens planning a repetition of their successful approach from previous campaigns.
  4. Should the German public wish to participate in the 2023 Federal elections debate on political platforms, they may have the opportunity to engage with candidates in the Bundestag, much like in the past Bundesrat or Bundestag election campaigns in Berlin and across Germany.



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