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Greater quantities of golden algae and passing away fish in the Oder - officials suggest caution.

Large quantities of fish have perished in the Oder river recently, while a surge of golden algae has also been observed. Officials are attempting to address these concerning circumstances.

Two years after the fish kill in the Oder, Polish authorities have once again discovered toxic...
Two years after the fish kill in the Oder, Polish authorities have once again discovered toxic golden algae in the river.

Nature or ecosystem The environment we live in - Greater quantities of golden algae and passing away fish in the Oder - officials suggest caution.

Recently, dead fish and the dangerous golden alga have been discovered in the Oder river, causing concern for environmental authorities. The Brandenburg Environment Ministry will soon evaluate and discuss potential actions in response to these issues. News was announced by the Brandenburg State Environment Agency on Wednesday, stating that they will use recent measurements to determine their next steps.

Two years after a significant environmental disaster occurred on the Oder, officials are now taking action in response to warning signs: Lifeless fish have been spotted near the German-Polish border. The harmful golden alga, which led to a mass fish die-off in 2022, has expanded in the river. On Tuesday, sad scenes of up to 60 centimeter long Zander and pike floating in the water surrounded by water lilies were observed at the Winterhafen in Frankfurt (Oder).

High salt levels, low water levels, high temperatures, and toxic effects from the alga Prymnesium parvum were taken as main factors when over a million fish died in the Oder in the summer of 2022. The Brandenburg section of the Oder has automated stations in place to keep track of and analyze water quality. Polish authorities are also working to stop the spread of the golden alga in their region.

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