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Great DFB respect for Spain: But no "fear sweat"

Germany against Spain in the quarter-finals sounds to many like an early European Championship final. The DFB players are impressed by their opponents, who have won four times so far.

David Raum (l) and Joshua Kimmich have respect for the Spaniards.
David Raum (l) and Joshua Kimmich have respect for the Spaniards.

European Football Championship - Great DFB respect for Spain: But no "fear sweat"

The German football national team looks at the EM quarter-final against Spain with much respect, but without fear. "The Spaniards have made the most impressive showing so far, so it will be a tough nut to crack - for both sides," said the deputy captain Joshua Kimmich in Herzogenaurach.

"To win the tournament, there's no way around Spain," added the 29-year-old Bayern professional, looking ahead to the match coming up on Friday (6:00 PM/ARD and MagentaTV) in Stuttgart. Outside defender colleague David Raum spoke of "a compliment" when the prospect of a German-Spanish EM final was mentioned. And the 26-year-old Leipzig player added confidently: "I don't have any sweaty palms yet."

Kimmich explained that making it through was the clear goal for the DFB selection. "It's all about winning now. Of course, we want to beat the Spaniards," he said. Spain is the only team to have won all four tournament matches so far.

  1. Joshua Kimmich, hailing from Herzogenaurach and a key player for the DFB, expressed his respect for Spain's impressive performance in the European Football Championship.
  2. The German national soccer team, currently stationed in Bavaria, is gearing up for the EM quarter-final against Spain, with Kimmich leading by example.
  3. The prospect of a German-Spanish final in the European Championship has become a topic of discussion, with Leipzig's David Raum describing it as a compliment for the German national team.
  4. Despite the tough challenge, Joshua Kimmich and his teammates are not sweating the prospect of facing Spain in the final, demonstrating their confidence.
  5. The Spanish national team, having won all four of their matches so far, will undoubtedly pose a formidable challenge for Germany in the European Football Championship.
  6. As the EM quarter-final against Spain approaches, the German national soccer team, led by figures like Kimmich, remains focused on their goal: to bring the championship title back home to Germany.
  7. Kimmich, known for his impressive performances on the soccer field, has become one of Germany's hunky representatives in the European Football Championship, proving to be a vital asset for the national team.

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