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Graffiti Defaces Previous Era's Chancellery

Members of the Last Generation activist group wrote the phrase "Be honest!" on the northern side of the Federal Chancellery yesterday morning. The police confirmed that six individuals carried out the action. At the moment, no additional details have been provided.

The Federal Chancellery is reflected in the Spree.
The Federal Chancellery is reflected in the Spree.

Protests occur. - Graffiti Defaces Previous Era's Chancellery

Activists claim that their message is addressed to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who delivered remarks on the current safety situation in the Bundestag earlier in the day. They urge Scholz to have a conversation with them immediately because the climate catastrophe is a serious threat to security and life.

The group allegedly made this demand on Tuesday and Wednesday on the exterior of the Willy-Brandt House, where the SPD federal party headquarters are situated. This action was in response to the announcement of two hunger strikers who said they would no longer consume water.

Members of the "Hunger until you're honest" campaign have been pressing Scholz for weeks to openly state that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has already passed the safe limit and there is no remaining carbon dioxide allowance.

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