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GP association calls for doubling of rural doctor quota

According to the GP association, the number of places for the rural doctor quota in Lower Saxony should be doubled. In addition, every district should be able to nominate interested young people from their region for the course, as the Lower Saxony GP Association announced in Hanover on Friday....

A stethoscope lies in a GP's surgery.
A stethoscope lies in a GP's surgery.

Medicine - GP association calls for doubling of rural doctor quota

According to the GP association, the number of places for the rural doctor quota in Lower Saxony should be doubled. In addition, every district should be able to nominate interested young people from their region for the course, as the Lower Saxony GP Association announced in Hanover on Friday. It has been shown that students of human medicine also want to practise in their home region after graduation, said Matthias Berndt from the GP association.

The association spoke of great interest in the study places. This number should therefore be increased. "We need all available junior staff who decide to go into general practice," demanded Berndt.

The CDU parliamentary group agreed with this demand. "We particularly support the proposal of a regional aspect, so that at least one student should come from every district in Lower Saxony," said CDU health politician Volker Meyer.

The rural doctor quota is intended to counteract the growing shortage of doctors. To this end, young people are given easier access to medical studies in return for a commitment to work as a GP in a region with too few doctors for ten years after completing their studies and further training. The 60 places to be allocated are distributed between Göttingen, Hanover and Oldenburg. The first semester with these new medical study places began in October.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health in Hanover said that such a step could be considered in principle. However, this would require further debate within the state government and the Conference of Health Ministers.

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