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Government report: Living conditions in Germany are converging to some extent

Living conditions in Germany still differ between the regions - but are also converging in many areas. This is the conclusion of the Federal Government's first Equivalence Report, which was approved by the Cabinet on Wednesday. "The overall equivalence of living conditions is improving," said...

Houses in Tübingen
Houses in Tübingen

Government report: Living conditions in Germany are converging to some extent

Approaches have been made in 27 out of 38 examined areas according to the report: For instance, in the areas of life expectancy, unemployment rate, and municipal tax revenue, regional differences were smaller. On the other hand, regional disparities increased in seven areas such as the proportion of single-person households or housing densities. No clear development could be identified for four indicators.

The report shows that "we have actually made good progress", emphasized Habeck. The economically weaker regions of Germany have significantly caught up. "Great challenges" are still seen for these regions, however, especially due to an expected population decline.

The establishment of equal living conditions is constitutionally enshrined and therefore a state goal. The federal government is trying to implement this through various funding programs. The report prepared by the Economic and Interior Ministry should now for the first time show the current status of equal living conditions. Data for 400 districts and free cities were compared for a total of 38 indicators. In addition, citizens were surveyed in all districts and cities. This is intended to link objective development trends with subjective perceptions and assessments. Habeck considers the report to be "really significant". It shows how Germany is doing.

The overall satisfaction with life is predominantly high: Almost two thirds of those surveyed for the report are rather or completely satisfied with their current living situation. However, dissatisfaction prevails, for example, in the areas of health care or housing.

41% believe that health and nursing care have deteriorated in the last five years; only 5% see an improvement. More than eight out of ten interviewees find it very (42%) or rather (41%) difficult to find affordable housing in their area.

The 19 different funding programs of the federal government for economically weaker regions were also evaluated in the report. The report is therefore also a "monitoring of our own work", according to Habeck. Conversations with various regional actors have revealed that there is still potential for improvement in the programs. These must be "more flexible and less bureaucratic".

The traffic light government is implementing a project from the coalition agreement with the report. Equal living conditions in all of Germany are important for cohesion, emphasized Faeser.

  1. The Government report revealed that in areas like life expectancy, unemployment rate, and municipal tax revenue, living conditions have shown a reduction in regional disparities in Germany.
  2. Robert Habeck, the Federal Government's Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, stated in the report that Germany has made good progress in terms of living conditions, particularly in economically weaker regions.
  3. The report also highlighted that despite the progress in equal living conditions, challenges persist for these regions, particularly due to an anticipated population decline.
  4. The report further noted an increase in regional disparities in seven indicators, such as the proportion of single-person households or housing densities, which are key factors influencing living conditions.

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