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Government Official Misrepresents Volkswagen's Electric Vehicle Journey: Their Course is Correct

The significance of Volkswagen in Lower Saxony and Germany is undeniably significant, asserted the Minister of Economics. His aim is to advocate for the six sites situated within the federal state.

Lower Saxony's Economic Minister Lies expresses approval towards the federal government's plans for...
Lower Saxony's Economic Minister Lies expresses approval towards the federal government's plans for introducing fresh incentives for purchasing electric vehicles at the state level.

- Government Official Misrepresents Volkswagen's Electric Vehicle Journey: Their Course is Correct

Olaf Lies, the Economic Minister of Lower Saxony, agrees with Volkswagen's emphasis on electric vehicles, despite the intensified cost-cutting measures. According to Lies, who is a member of the SPD party, transformations often go through highs and lows, and we're currently experiencing a low point, which is particularly challenging. Nevertheless, Lies maintains that the path to electric mobility is the right one.

In contrast to this approach, Lies suggests that halting innovations and prolonging the sale of combustion engines could be a misstep, leading to being left behind in the end. He clearly states that this would be the wrong move.

Lies emphasizes the significance of this issue, mentioning the potential impact on hundreds of thousands of jobs.

He also supports the thoughts of Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) to boost the purchase of electric cars by providing market incentives. Lies notes that such measures can stimulate sales. Recently, the registration of new electric cars in Germany had significantly decreased following the suspension of government subsidies.

When discussing Volkswagen's role in Lower Saxony and Germany, Lies stresses its immense importance. Volkswagen, being the largest industrial employer in Lower Saxony, is responsible for hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs across Germany, as well as playing a crucial role in innovation and future sustainability.

Lies' primary goal as the Economic Minister is to guarantee that the Volkswagen sites in Lower Saxony not only survive but thrive. He aspires to ensure sustainable employment, both within Volkswagen and in its supply chain, and to keep the automotive industry as the core industry in Lower Saxony. Volkswagen has six sites in Lower Saxony: Wolfsburg, Hannover, Braunschweig, Emden, Salzgitter, and Osnabrück.

On Monday, Volkswagen reported that it couldn't rule out closing a plant in Germany or initiating job cuts due to operational reasons. The company did not provide additional information about its cost-cutting plans during a meeting with workers in Wolfsburg.

Despite the challenging low point in the transition to electric mobility, Lies believes focusing on this path is crucial, as halting innovations could result in being left behind. Furthermore, Lies highlights the potential impact of this shift on focusing on hundreds of thousands of jobs in the automotive industry.

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