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Goslar region hardest hit by extreme weather

Heavy rain, storms, hail - in the district of Goslar, storms have caused the most damage in the country over the past 20 years, insurers report.

A flood sign stands next to a flooded
A flood sign stands next to a flooded

Goslar region hardest hit by extreme weather

The district of Goslar has suffered the most severe damage from extreme weather in Lower Saxony over a period of almost 20 years. Storms, hail or flooding caused by heavy rain and high water caused the highest average damage to buildings in the state between 2002 and 2021 at 4,000 euros, according to a report published on Tuesday by the German Insurance Association (GDV).

The district of Goslar suffered the most expensive average loss of 21,100 euros in 2017, due to several severe storms that year. The inhabitants of the city of Oldenburg fared the least badly in the 20 years under review. The damage there amounted to just under 900 euros per building.

In Bremen and Bremerhaven, the average damage was just under 1000 euros and 1500 euros respectively. The national average for the period was 2900 euros per building.

The extreme weather in Lower Saxony has primarily consisted of storms and heavy rain, leading to significant damage. The highest average damage to buildings was caused by several severe storms in the district of Goslar in 2017.


