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Görlitz theater expands alternative venue

The shock was great when thousands of liters of water flooded the theater stage in Görlitz. It can now be used again, albeit only provisionally. It will still be a while before the damage can be repaired.

Water dryers stand on the stage of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater after initial clean-up work.
Water dryers stand on the stage of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater after initial clean-up work.

After water damage - Görlitz theater expands alternative venue

After the devastating water damage more than a year ago, the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater is preparing to renovate its main building in Görlitz. However, before the construction work can begin, an alternative venue must first be prepared. A hall in the former goods station in the Neisse city is to be converted for this purpose. "The plans are in place," said artistic director Daniel Morgenroth. "We are waiting for the funding decision, which will hopefully arrive in January."

According to Morgenroth, the timeline is dependent on funding, tenders and the availability of contractors. The artistic director is optimistic that he will be able to use the alternative venue from the beginning of 2026. The renovation work in the theater will take two to three years, meaning that a return to the main venue would be possible at the end of 2028 at the earliest, according to conservative forecasts.

In November 2022, the stage of the Görlitz Theater was flooded within a few minutes after a fire alarm triggered the deluge system for an as yet unexplained reason. According to Morgenroth, the applications for the renewal of the stage and fire protection technology are being worked on at full speed. Since October, it has at least been possible to perform on the now provisionally upgraded stage with a temporary exemption permit.

"We are all happy to be back in the house," said the artistic director. Despite the necessary restrictions, things are working very well. For safety reasons, for example, no scenery or props may be stored on stage, as is usual when changing repertoire. Instead, productions would have to be performed largely in blocks.

The construction costs for the alternative venue are estimated at around eight million euros. With space for around 400 spectators, it is to be built in a hall where the Görlitz summer theater production "Malfi!" premiered in 2023. The plan is to raise the roof of the building by three meters along its entire length to create a room height of nine meters, Morgenroth said. "We don't just want to create a temporary solution, we are aiming for a sustainable one."

The converted hall will continue to be used long after the theater has moved back into the modernized main building. Part of the temporary venue will serve as a rehearsal room for the Neue Lausitzer Philharmonie in future, the director announced. The other part will be available to the neighboring Waldorf School as a multi-purpose hall. "The charming thing about this solution is that it creates something that will improve the situation for years to come," said Morgenroth.

Read also:

The alternative venue for the theater in Görlitz, affected by water damage, will be located in a hall from the former goods station. This decision was made by artistic director Daniel Morgenroth, who also mentioned that the funding decision is expected in January.

Once completed, the alternative venue in Saxony's Görlitz will not only serve as a temporary solution for the theater but will also be used by the Neue Lausitzer Philharmonie as a rehearsal room and by the neighboring Waldorf School as a multi-purpose hall.




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