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Goodyear: Employees demonstrate against closure plans

The closure plans of tire manufacturer Goodyear in Fürstenwalde, Brandenburg, have alarmed state politicians. Economics Minister Steinbach has rushed to the works meeting in person. And the Left Party is calling for nationalization.

Closure plans for Goodyear tire
Closure plans for Goodyear tire

Goodyear: Employees demonstrate against closure plans

Several hundred employees of the tire manufacturer Goodyear have demonstrated against the plans to close the plant in Fürstenwalde, Brandenburg. After a works meeting, they marched in front of the factory gates for a short protest march. "We are fighting to preserve the 85-year tradition and the jobs in Fürstenwalde," said Markus Hollwerz, Chairman of the plant's shop stewards.

"We don't agree with the management in America deciding things and the Group management in Germany simply announcing things without talking to us," he said. "We will now sit down at a table and see what we can do."

Minister of Economic Affairs Steinbach negotiates with management

Brandenburg's Minister of Economic Affairs Jörg Steinbach (SPD) attended the works meeting. He was also annoyed by the communication from the company management. "Goodyear's decision caught us completely unprepared," he said. On Wednesday evening, however, he had an initial discussion with the management. It was agreed to continue talking to each other with a time horizon of around one year.

The aim was to explore whether more automation and digitalization could be used to ensure "that a different decision is made", said the minister. However, he warned against exaggerated hopes. "I think we still have opportunities, but I don't want to pretend that I can work miracles," he said. "The company makes the final decision and I can't put my hand in the fire that it will succeed in the end."

Left-wing parliamentary group calls for industrial foundation

The Left Party parliamentary group in the state parliament once again called for the establishment of an industrial foundation by the state. "It is unacceptable that profits are first privatized and then, when they collapse or fail to materialize due to the high-interest phase, companies are relocated and the social consequences and their costs are imposed on the general public," said parliamentary group leader Sebastian Walter on Thursday, according to a press release. "That is why we are calling for the tire manufacturer Goodyear to be transferred to an industrial foundation under public law along the lines of the Montan-Stiftung Saar." In this way, jobs could be preserved and the regional economic structure strengthened, said Walter.

Goodyear plans to cease tire production in Fürstenwalde at the end of 2017 and cut 750 jobs. A small part of the Fürstenwalde site is to be retained: Rubber compounds are produced there and supplied to the other Goodyear plants in Europe. In addition, tire production in Fulda is to be closed. Cheap imports from Asia and inflationary pressure were cited as reasons for the difficult situation.

  1. The workers are concerned that the closure of the Goodyear plant in Fürstenwalde could negatively impact the local economy, as they rely on the plant's economic policy to provide them with work and stability.
  2. In light of the planned closure, Goodyear's suppliers might need to find alternative sources, as the tire manufacturer is a significant part of their own economic policy and business operations.




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