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Goldschmidt: Nuclear power in CDU program "shot in the arm"

In the opinion of Schleswig-Holstein's Energy Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens), the demand in the CDU's basic program for a renaissance of nuclear power speaks for a lack of concept in energy policy. "This is likely to be a demand that will languish in the basic program. This is a...

Tobias Goldschmidt (Bündnis90/DieGrünen), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection,
Tobias Goldschmidt (Bündnis90/DieGrünen), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, speaks.

Energy transition minister - Goldschmidt: Nuclear power in CDU program "shot in the arm"

In the opinion of Schleswig-Holstein's Energy Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens), the demand in the CDU's basic program for a renaissance of nuclear power speaks for a lack of concept in energy policy. "This is likely to be a demand that will languish in the basic program. This is a discussion from the day before yesterday, which is intended to hide the lack of energy policy concepts in the Adenauerhaus," he told the "Hamburger Abendblatt" newspaper (Tuesday).

A return to the use of nuclear power would not happen in Germany. "And even with a CDU all-party government, that would not be an option for Germany, I am firmly convinced." As the minister responsible for nuclear power in Schleswig-Holstein, he knows how long it takes to plan nuclear power plants, how extremely expensive they are, that there is a lack of specialists and that there is still no final repository for highly radioactive waste. "And I know that the dumping of completely harmless waste from nuclear power plants is already meeting with concentrated resistance from CDU local politicians."

Goldschmidt is convinced that Angela Merkel and the CDU-FDP federal government made a wise and far-sighted decision in 2011 to phase out the use of nuclear power. "The situation has not changed. The proposal is a shot in the arm."

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