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Goldschmidt: More frequent storm surges to be expected in future

A severe storm surge on the Baltic coast caused around 200 million euros in damage in Schleswig-Holstein in October. Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt now wants to systematically strengthen dyke protection.

Tobias Goldschmidt (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection,
Tobias Goldschmidt (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature in

Goldschmidt: More frequent storm surges to be expected in future

Schleswig-Holstein's Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) is expecting an increase in storm surges like the one that hit the Baltic Sea coast a month ago. "But we also have to say openly and honestly that sea levels are rising faster and faster as a result of climate change and will lead to such storm surges hitting our country more frequently in future," Goldschmidt told the German Press Agency on Monday. The Baltic Sea coast was hit by a storm surge of the century on the night of October 21, the consequences of which were serious.

Dyke management on the Baltic coast must be systematically strengthened and people must be made more aware of water hazards, said Goldschmidt. "We will also discuss with those responsible locally which dykes should be brought up to the protection standard of land protection dykes in future."

Goldschmidt thanked the helpers for their efforts over the past few weeks. "Many people have fought against the floods on the ground, in a spirit of solidarity, with a hands-on approach and with the clear aim of preventing worse things from happening."

The state government has already launched various aid programs to help people rebuild, said Goldschmidt. It was important that the damaged dykes were quickly made storm surge-proof again. "These emergency safety measures have been completed and I would like to thank everyone who helped." After the acute protection, the dykes will be permanently repaired.

Following damage estimated at 200 million euros in the north, the state government is planning a special fund "Reconstruction Flood Disaster 2023". On the night of October 21, the storm surge caused enormous destruction along the Baltic coast. One woman lost her life on Fehmarn.

The storm surge that hit the Baltic Sea coast was a result of the weather conditions, and Goldschmidt expects such severe weather events to become more frequent due to climate change and rising sea levels. As a consequence, the minister emphasized the necessity of systematically strengthening dyke management and raising awareness about water hazards along the Baltic coast.


