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Goat in the suitcase, bomb in the cupboard: curious incidents in 2023

Hot food spills into a driver's lap while he is driving. Another gentleman finds a firebomb in a shoe cupboard. And a car disappears under a white blanket at Lake Starnberg. The year 2023 had some curious incidents in store.

The word "Polizei" ("Police") shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
The word "Polizei" ("Police") shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Police - Goat in the suitcase, bomb in the cupboard: curious incidents in 2023

Thepolice and local authorities in Bavaria reported many an oddity in 2023. A selection:

- A traveler brought large parts of a dead goat in a suitcase at Munich Airport in January. According to customs, the meat - 16 kilos including skull, innards and legs - was packed in a cardboard box as a gift and had not been refrigerated. The officers confiscated the 36-year-old Cameroonian man's suitcase for violating animal health regulations.

- While officers were questioning her husband, a woman gave birth to a child outside a police station in the Upper Palatinate in February. The 26-year-old woman, who was waiting in the car, suddenly gave birth after experiencing contractions. Police officers brought warm blankets and called an emergency doctor. However, by the time the doctor arrived, the little girl in Vohenstrauß had already been born.

- A firebomb was discovered in the shoe cupboard of a senior citizen in Augsburg in May. According to the police, a 41-year-old man wanted to take clothes to the man and saw the object. Specialists assessed the incendiary rod bomb as harmless and took it away. According to the police, the 89-year-old had found the ammunition in a field around ten years earlier.

- In May, a fully occupied regional train in Swabia came to a standstill on the open track due to an argument between the train driver and a Deutsche Bahn official. Deutsche Bahn and the operator Go-Ahead announced that the two parties had "differing views on the interpretation of existing regulations". Around 600 passengers had to wait for more than an hour on the train near Mering (Aichach-Friedberg district). The train finally arrived at Mering station, where the passengers had to change trains.

- A man caused a serious accident in Upper Franconia in June because a pot of roulades and dumplings tipped over during the journey. According to the police, the 82-year-old lost control of his car in Weitramsdorf (Coburg district) after the hot food landed on his lap. As a result, the man's vehicle crashed into a parked car and pushed another one to the side. The man was only a few hundred meters away from his home when the mishap happened to him. He remained uninjured.

- Freyung in Lower Bavaria has been able to call itself a town since December 3, 1953 - 70 years ago. The anniversary was supposed to be celebrated at the beginning of December. However, most of the invitations to the celebration got stuck in the post - so the town canceled the celebration. Many guests would otherwise only have found out about it at very short notice, according to a spokesperson. The anniversary celebrations are now to be held in 2024. The city would like to rely on the postal service again - but with more lead time.

- The heavy snowfall at the beginning of December caused the car of a 21-year-old in Seeshaupt on Lake Starnberg to seemingly disappear. After going for help on foot, the young man was unable to find his car, which had become stuck in the snow. Even a search with several helpers and a patrol was initially unsuccessful, according to the police. The 21-year-old decided to spend the night in a guesthouse and finally continued the search in daylight.

- Too much sweat, urine and sun cream: the outdoor pool in Mammendorf in Upper Bavaria (Fürstenfeldbruck district) had to close temporarily in August due to excessive contamination of the water. "The enormous rush of visitors is very pleasing, but it also led to severe contamination of the water quality," said the district office, explaining the decision. A measurement had revealed that the permissible limit values had been exceeded in some cases. The disinfecting chlorine had reached its limits. Major cleaning and disinfection was necessary. Some of the water was also replaced.

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