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Girl dies days after being electrocuted at freight station

Another child has died after being electrocuted at a freight station. A 13-year-old girl succumbed to her serious injuries days after the accident in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Girl dies days after being electrocuted in freight yard.
Girl dies days after being electrocuted in freight yard.

Fatal accident - Girl dies days after being electrocuted at freight station

A girl who was severely injured by an electric shock on a freight train in Schwerte has died several days later in the hospital. The 13-year-old student passed away on Thursday due to her severe injuries, the Landespolizei announced today. The accident occurred on the freight railway station in Schwerte in the afternoon on a weekday. The girl was flown to the hospital by a rescue helicopter.

According to initial findings by the Federal Police, the girl had climbed onto a wagon of the freight train for video recordings. She suffered an electric shock and severe burns, a spokesperson for the Federal Police stated on Tuesday. The girl was reportedly accompanied by five other adolescents aged between 14 and 16 years old at the freight railway station. The latest investigation details were not available at the moment.

In the past, there have been several severe electrical accidents at the Schwerter Bahnhof. In February 2024, an 18-year-old died as a result of an electric shock, and in April 2023, a 13-year-old died after an electric shock. Both had climbed onto a freight train.

The tragic incident has reignited concerns about the safety of the railroad in North Rhine-Westphalia, especially around goods stations. The Federal Police are urging parents to warn their children about the dangers of electric shocks and discourage activities like climbing onto freight trains. The local federal police are also looking into the possibility of installing safety measures at Kindergartens to educate children about the risks associated with electricity. Due to the fatal accident, the railroad company has temporarily halted freight train operations in the area to conduct a safety audit.

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