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Giffey: Olympic Games in Berlin boost for the economy

Berlin's Senator for Economics sees the Olympic Games as a great opportunity for the city. But she also warns against too many major events. She is skeptical about Expo 2035.

Franziska Giffey (SPD), Berlin Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises,
Franziska Giffey (SPD), Berlin Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises,

Giffey: Olympic Games in Berlin boost for the economy

Franziska Giffey, Senator for Economic Affairs, is convinced that Berlin could benefit considerably from the Olympic Games. "We have already seen what a positive effect the Special Olympics have had on the city this year, if only in terms of the many guests who boost tourism," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency. "As Senator for Economic Affairs, I can only say that if the Olympic Games are held successfully, then the city's return on investment and the economic effect for the whole of Berlin can be felt and can have a more lasting effect than has been the case with some expos in the past."

Giffey sees arguments against an Expo in Berlin

"The coalition agreement has given us as a Senate three mandates to examine major events of the future: the International Building Exhibition, the Expo and participation in the bid for the Olympic Games," said Giffey.

"We have weighed up very carefully what is feasible and what benefits Berlin can derive from it." A decisive point for the Expo is that a contiguous area of 150 to 200 hectares is required, on which buildings are to be constructed that will remain there permanently. "A truly decentralized concept, as we wanted for Berlin, would not be possible," said the senator.

Berlin wants to concentrate on two major events

Berlin hardly has any properties with such large contiguous areas. "Theoretically, these would be Tegel or Tempelhof, but both were ruled out when the requirements were reviewed," said the Senator for Economic Affairs. "After weighing up the options, we have come to the conclusion that we will concentrate on the Olympic Games and the International Building Exhibition."

"What we want to achieve in terms of urban development policy can be excellently advanced with the International Building Exhibition," said Giffey. "We must not overburden the city as a whole. We are facing many mammoth tasks that require strength and attention." These include improving the housing situation, providing for refugees and accelerating the climate-neutral city with our planned special climate protection fund.

Berlin wants to participate in a possible national bid for the Summer Olympics in Germany. The Senate agreed on this on Tuesday and signed a corresponding agreement with the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB).

In light of Berlin's participation in the bid for the Summer Olympics, the Senate has also considered holding an Expo. However, the large area required for permanent buildings ruled out venues like Tegel or Tempelhof, leading Giffey to prioritize focusing on the Olympic Games and the International Building Exhibition for urban development. Additionally, Giffey believes that Berlin's investment in the International Building Exhibition can have a lasting impact on urban development, allowing the city to advance its goals in housing, refugee support, and climate protection without overburdening its resources.


