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Giant Herrnhut star shines at Christmas caroling

Herrnhut stars shine in many places during Advent. However, a diameter of more than five meters is rare - this can be found in Grünheide in Brandenburg during Christmas caroling.

Customs - Giant Herrnhut star shines at Christmas caroling

An oversized Herrnhut star with a diameter of more than five meters created a particularly festive atmosphere in Grünheide on the first day of Advent. The giant white star was hoisted into the air by a crane on Sunday to light up the market square of the community in the Oder-Spree district during the Grünheide Carnival Club's Christmas carol singing.

"This is a unique opportunity that we are using to make the star shine once again," said the chairman of the carnival club, Uwe Werner, to the German Press Agency. The star was built by an entrepreneur from Grünheide before the coronavirus crisis and was lit up on a private property at the time.

According to Werner, the club launched the Christmas carol service during the coronavirus pandemic in order to be able to sing on Grünheide's market square with the necessary distance. According to Werner, Sunday's event is the third time. All citizens were invited to attend.

The Herrnhut star is considered to be the origin of poinsettias. The first star made of paper and cardboard shone at the beginning of the 19th century in the Moravian Church in Upper Lusatia in Saxony.

History of the Herrnhut stars Event information Grünheide

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