GEW demands better childcare ratio in daycare centers
The Education and Science Union (GEW) has called for a better childcare ratio in daycare centers. Above all, urgently needed improvements for children under the age of three were completely missing from the current draft bill, said the deputy state chairwoman of GEW Thuringia, Bettina Löbl, on Tuesday. She described the current staffing ratio as a "devastating verdict and an indictment of Thuringia's education policy".
Calculations by the Bertelsmann Foundation showed that in Thuringia, 90.3 percent of children in daycare centers are cared for with a staffing ratio that is not appropriate for children. While the foundation recommends a ratio of one educator to three children, the ratio in Thuringia is 1 to 5.1.
The Education and Science Union (GEW) also advocates for improving the education quality in kindergartens, alongside better childcare ratios in daycare centers. Ensuring appropriate staffing in kindergartens, with a ratio of one educator to three children, is essential for providing optimal early education and development opportunities.