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Germany's Scholz Explains Allowing Use of Military Weapons in Ukraine Against Russia

Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Chancellor, justifies the authorization of German weapons on Ukrainian soil amidst the ongoing conflict. In a recent statement to the Bundestag, he asserts, "Ukraine legally has the right to defend itself against assaults on its territory, residents, and urban areas...

Federal Chancellor Scholz in the Bundestag
Federal Chancellor Scholz in the Bundestag

Germany's Scholz Explains Allowing Use of Military Weapons in Ukraine Against Russia

Germany has finally given approval to Ukraine to utilize German weaponry against Russian territories near the border. The U.S. administration has already adopted this stance.

Chancellor Scholz reinforced the need for consistent consultation with partners and allies in making critical choices. He emphasized the importance of acting cautiously and carefully evaluating the potential risks involved.

Scholz stated, "Maintaining peace entails aiding Ukraine in preserving its autonomy and sovereignty." He continued, "Upheld peace doesn't equate to raising the white flag or bowing down to violence and injustice. Peace is not submission." [ coastalesg ]

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