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Germany's organic sector breaks the 100 billion euro mark

Number of "green jobs" on the rise

Natural building cooling in summer and good thermal insulation in winter: Façade greening in...
Natural building cooling in summer and good thermal insulation in winter: Façade greening in Freiburg's model district Quartier Vauban.

Germany's organic sector breaks the 100 billion euro mark

The trend continues: German companies earn a lot of money with environmental and climate protection. The turnover amounted to around 300 billion Euros in the year 2022. The number of those producing or providing goods and services in the eco-sector is also increasing.

Environmental protection is becoming increasingly profitable for German companies. Companies in the manufacturing industry and the service sector generated approximately 107.5 billion Euros in turnover with goods and services for environmental protection, as reported by the Federal Statistical Office. The trend of increasing profits in this area continued with a growth of 16.9% compared to the previous year.

The number of so-called Green Jobs, or employees producing and providing goods and services for this sector, increased by 35,000 to 376,000 in 2022. Almost two-thirds of these jobs were in the manufacturing industry, a fifth in construction, and around 13% in services.

Industrial investments (excluding construction) amounted to 13.9 billion Euros in this area. The running costs of these companies to meet environmental standards amounted to 43.8 billion Euros. The highest revenues, as in previous years, were generated in the climate protection sector with 61.7 billion Euros. Key pillars here included steps to increase energy efficiency and save energy, as well as measures for the use of renewable energies, such as insulation of buildings and the business with goods and services in onshore wind energy.

After that came the areas of air quality (21.1 billion Euros in turnover) and water management (10.7 billion Euros) - including the construction of canal systems. In addition, noise abatement, soil remediation, and species protection are also included. The largest share of the environment-related turnover was generated by companies in the manufacturing industry, i.e., machine builders, automobile manufacturers, and manufacturers of electrical equipment.

The calculations of the statisticians are based on data from 9,684 companies in the manufacturing industry and the service sector on environment-related turnover and employment.

Energy efficiency and renewable energies are integral aspects of environmental and climate protection, driving significant profits for German companies. The climate protection sector, in particular, yielded 61.7 billion Euros in revenues in 2022, primarily through increased energy efficiency, energy savings, and the utilization of renewable energies such as onshore wind power.

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