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"Germany's largest solar park" near Leipzig in operation

The Witznitz Energy Park was built on a former opencast lignite mine. It stands for the transformation of an entire region - and could be a model for future energy projects.

The Witznitz energy park was officially connected to the grid with a symbolic commissioning...
The Witznitz energy park was officially connected to the grid with a symbolic commissioning ceremony. Also present: Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (M).

Energy transition - "Germany's largest solar park" near Leipzig in operation

Solar Power instead of Brown Coal: After approximately two years of planning and construction, the Witznitz Energy Park south of Leipzig has officially opened. "This is the largest solar park in Germany that is being built here in Central Germany," said the Saxon Minister-President Michael Kretschmer at the symbolic opening. According to the CDU politician, this marks a transformation - away from brown coal, towards renewable energies: "We want to remain an industrial region, and for that we need renewable energies."

Power for around 200,000 households

The energy park is located on the site of the former Witznitz II brown coal mining site and covers an area of around 500 hectares - that's about 700 football fields. Over one million modules were installed here for the 650-Megawatt solar park. The amount of power generated is enough to supply electricity to around 200,000 four-person households. The project is being carried out by the company Move On Energy. Each year, emissions of over 250,000 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide are expected to be saved.

Financing in the mid-triple digit million range

The solar park was financed by an investment from the insurance group Signal Iduna - without any government subsidies. According to the company, this involves a mid-triple digit million euro investment. The owner is the financial subsidiary Hansainvest Real Assets.

"With this investment in this lighthouse project of the energy transition, we as an insurance group are taking responsibility for a sustainable future and giving an important impetus for the revitalization of the region," said the Financial Manager of Signal Iduna, Martin Berger.

  1. The shift towards renewable energies is evident in the Construction time taken for the Witznitz Energy Park, which is now operational after being a coal mining site.
  2. Michael Kretschmer, the Saxon Minister-President, highlighted the significance of the Coal-free solar park in Central Germany, as it symbolizes the Energy transition away from lignite.
  3. Despite the closure of Opencast lignite mining operations in Leipzig, the region continues to contribute to Germany's Energy production, now powered by Solar power generated in the Witznitz Energy Park.
  4. The CDU, represented by Michael Kretschmer, emphasizes their commitment to ensuring a sustainable future for the region by promoting Coal-free initiatives such as the construction of Solar parks like Witznitz.
  5. The colossal Energy output from the Witznitz Solar park, rivaling coal-powered plants, will provide electricity to approximately 200,000 households, reducing dependency on Coal-based electricity sources.
  6. The state-of-the-art Solar park, stretching over 500 hectares, replaced the erstwhile Witznitz II brown coal mining site and signifies Saxony's transition towards renewable energy sources.
  7. Significant investment in the order of mid-triple digit million euros from the insurance group Signal Iduna has made the Witznitz Energy Park, a crucial milestone in Germany's journey towards an Energy transition away from coal reliance.

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