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Germany's economy declined slightly in the second quarter

Germany's economy slightly declined in the second quarter. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent from April to June compared to the previous quarter, according to Germany's Federal Statistical Office which reported the first estimate on Tuesday. In the first quarter, the GDP...

Porsche factory in Leipzig
Porsche factory in Leipzig

Germany's economy declined slightly in the second quarter

In the second quarter, investments in equipment and construction notably decreased, as reported by the statistical office. Compared to the second quarter of 2023, the GDP thus increased by 0.3 percent adjusted for inflation - but adjusted for price and calendar effects, it actually decreased by 0.1 percent, due to the second quarter of 2024 having one more working day.

Despite the decrease in investments, Germany still managed to narrow its GDP growth gap with other European nations in the second quarter. The strong export sector, primarily driven by German manufacturers, contributed to maintaining the country's economic stability during this period.

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