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Germany's CO2 emissions fall to record low in 2023

CO2 emissions in Germany fell sharply last year. At 673 million tons, emissions were 46 percent lower than in the reference year 1990, as the think tank Agora Energiewende announced on Thursday. This is the lowest level since the 1950s, 73 million tons less than in 2022 and also significantly...

Germany's CO2 emissions fall to record low in 2023

According to the experts, this development is largely due to an "unexpectedly sharp drop in coal consumption" as a result of a sharp fall in demand for electricity. In addition, more electricity was imported, half of which came from renewable energies and a quarter from nuclear power. "At the same time, emissions fell at the expense of energy-intensive industry due to declines in production caused by the economy and the crisis," explained the think tank.

However, the experts do not see this preliminary evaluation as good news for climate protection, as only around 15 percent of the reduced CO2 emissions are "permanent" savings. The majority, on the other hand, is not sustainable: "For example, emissions could rise again due to the economic situation or parts of industry could relocate abroad in the longer term".

"The energy industry recorded a climate policy success with the historic high in renewable energies," explained Simon Müller, Director of Agora Energiewende Deutschland. However, the weakness of the industry is also not good for the climate if Germany as an industrial location suffers as a result and emissions are merely shifted.

Moreover, there have been hardly any changes in the critical areas of transport and buildings, Agora emphasized. "This means that the sectors have missed their climate targets for the fourth and third time in a row respectively." There are "structural" problems here that need to be addressed politically.

In the building sector, the necessary "political course has been set" with the Heating Act and the Municipal Heat Planning Act. Now it is "a matter of consistent implementation", explained Müller.

However, there is hardly any movement when it comes to transport. The share of e-cars in new registrations is still too low. Adjustments are needed to "taxes, levies and subsidies for cars" as well as a stronger expansion of local public transport.

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