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Germany wants to stop windmills with a petition

Small parties need a lot of support in their election campaigns. The alliance Germany is once again mobilizing against wind turbines and hoping for broad support among the population.

The alliance Germany led by party chairman Steffen Große is strictly against the construction of...
The alliance Germany led by party chairman Steffen Große is strictly against the construction of more wind turbines in Saxony.

- Germany wants to stop windmills with a petition

The small party Alliance Germany aims to halt the construction of wind turbines in Saxony with a petition to the Saxon State Parliament. "Known minimum distance areas are increasingly no longer an issue, landscape protection areas are no longer taboo. I consider that to be serious mistakes," said Federal Chairman Steffen Große to the German Press Agency in Dresden. More wind turbines are an "energy political nonsense". This makes a few rich at the expense of all taxpayers, both in wind and calm.

"Our existing wind turbines already produce too much electricity in windy conditions. We have to give away the surplus to foreign countries and on top of that, we add taxpayers' money as a gift," Große said. Even 50 or 100 wind turbines would produce zero energy in calm conditions. "Why more wind turbines?" he asked. In his petition, he demands that municipalities can make compensation offers with areas for photovoltaics or, for example, geothermal energy if they can avoid wind turbines.

Alliance Germany considers legal steps against wind turbines

Große himself wants to make his entry into the Dresden city council faction of the former FDP politician Holger Zastrow (Team Zastrow) in August dependent on whether the faction will actively oppose new wind turbines in Dresden from the start and with all means. For this, the faction from Team Zastrow should also commit itself from the start. "Then it's also mine," emphasized Große. At the same time, he announced legal steps against further wind turbines in Saxony. Complaints against the Federal Wind Energy Area Requirements Act and its premature implementation in Saxony through the State Planning Act are currently being examined.

At the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, the Alliance Germany wants to be the swing vote on September 1. According to the party chairman, there are currently around 1000 members nationwide in 15 state associations. Saxony and Thuringia account for 80 and 50 to 60 members, respectively. Große described the Alliance Germany, founded at the end of 2022, as libertarian and conservative. He did not rule out a later cooperation with the Values Union. However, this is not yet a topic in view of the upcoming state elections.

Große expressed his concern about additional wind turbines in Saxony, stating, "Why continue building wind turbines in Saxony's The Netherlands-like landscapes, when they produce no energy in calm conditions?" Furthermore, Alliance Germany intends to challenge the Federal Wind Energy Area Requirements Act and its premature implementation in Saxony, aiming to prevent further wind turbine construction.

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