Germany ticket more expensive? Wüst warns of possible consequences
Ahead of a meeting between the federal and state governments on Monday, North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has warned against a price increase for the Deutschlandticket. "If the federal government doesn't move, then the ticket will become more expensive - that's for sure," said the CDU politician on RTL/ntv's "Frühstart" on Monday. The federal government should make an appropriate contribution to rising costs.
"It's a federal project, the federal government wanted it - so it can't just walk away from the funding now." The offer will not be discontinued, "but all tickets will become more expensive, even the Deutschlandticket may become a little more expensive," said Wüst. The nationwide monthly ticket for buses and trains in local and regional transport currently costs 49 euros.
Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil (SPD) also called on the federal government to move. He said that it was not the federal states that had come up with the cheaper offer, but they had nevertheless agreed to the 49-euro ticket. "We have to be able to assume that: This is and remains a 50/50 task between the federal and state governments."
The Deutschlandticket's potential price increase is a concern for Federal States like North Rhine-Westphalia, as it's a federal project with the federal government playing a significant role in funding. The cost rise might affect all tickets, including the Deutschlandticket.