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Germany prohibits Huawei and ZTE in 5G networks

Chinese providers must leave

Huawei components are classified as critically sensitive and are no longer built.
Huawei components are classified as critically sensitive and are no longer built.

Germany prohibits Huawei and ZTE in 5G networks

Mobile networks form the backbone of a connected society. Technology from China should no longer play a role. This means more security for citizens.

The German government, according to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, has decided that components of Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE cannot be used in the 5G mobile network after 2029. The 5G core network will have ended by the end of 2026, and the transport and access network by the end of 2029, Faeser said.

Faeser also confirmed that government representatives and mobile network providers have reached a compromise in the long-standing dispute over the disposal of components. The mobile network providers have agreed to the exchange, against which they had long resisted. At the same time, the companies are given long transition periods for the expensive rebuilding process.

Faeser said that the risks of critical components from Chinese manufacturers in German 5G mobile networks have been examined very carefully. "We have now made a clear and strict decision. Critical components in the core network must not be used by the latest end of 2026. In the access and transport networks, critical management systems must be replaced by the latest end of 2029." This applies to 5G networks throughout Germany and not limited to certain important locations.

Faeser emphasized that this protects the central nervous system of the German economic location. "We protect the communication of citizens, of companies and of the state. We must reduce security risks and, unlike in the past, avoid one-sided dependencies. We must become more independent and crisis-proof."

  1. The German government's decision to prohibit the use of Huawei and ZTE components in the 5G mobile network after 2029 is a significant move towards reducing reliance on Chinese technology in the German economy.
  2. Despite the resistance from mobile network providers, they have agreed to a compromise, allowing for a gradual replacement of critical components from Chinese manufacturers in their networks by the end of 2029, as indicated by Nancy Faeser.
  3. Faeser's decision to ban critical components from Chinese manufacturers in the 5G mobile network by 2026 and 2029 aims to safeguard Germany's economic location, ensuring secure communication for citizens, companies, and the state, while reducing security risks and avoiding dependencies on foreign entities like China (Huawei).

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