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Germany cheers half a million rooftop solar systems.

Association: An energy transformation is ongoing

In the current quarter, 94,000 systems have already been put into operation.
In the current quarter, 94,000 systems have already been put into operation.

Germany cheers half a million rooftop solar systems.

The federal administration encourages the change in energy sources and the public demands affordable electricity. Both are currently happening at the same time. Notably, rooftop solar power systems are becoming more popular. Over the weekend, the 500,000th system was recorded. This quarter has also seen a new registration record.

Rooftop solar panels are gaining momentum. The number of solar systems enrolled in the market data register on the system exceeded half a million on the weekend, as per data from the Federal Network Agency. This is over double the figures from mid-2023. By now, more than 94,000 small-scale solar systems have been operational for over two months this quarter. It's anticipated to surpass records from the previous year that were around 100,000.

On Saturday, over half a million systems were reached with 500,810, and on Monday morning, the count hit 503,134. With a Sunday added to the mix, the actual number of rooftop solar panels could be higher since system operators have a month after commissioning to register. Furthermore, not all devices, despite their duty to do so, are registered.

Simplified registration system

The quarterly record might be faltering due to the season and attractive solar system deals. As of April 1st, registry in the market data register has been sufficient. Earlier, network operator registration was also necessary. The most recent adjustments for users under the Solar Package have been active since mid-May, yet insufficient time for significant influence.

Since May 16th, legacy electricity meters that run backwards when electricity is supplied can be utilized provisionally. "This temporary tolerance permits these devices to be connected right away after installation, regardless of the meter chosen," clarified the Consumer Center of North Rhine-Westphalia. The network operator decides if and when a meter exchange will take place. No charges must be levied for this process.

Additional changes are being prepared: It might become more difficult for landlords and housing associations to impede tenants or single property owners from installing rooftop solar systems. A consensus could soon be reached.

Network Agency: Solar Systems present an opportunity to engage in the energy revolution

The president of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, lauded this development. "We've streamlined and de-bureaucratized the rooftop solar system registration," he emphasized. "This opens up an opportunity for many to participate in the energy revolution. Half a million registered rooftop solar systems are a potent signal."

"A small energy evolution is underway on the balconies of Germany," stated the Managing Director of the German Solar Industry Association, Carsten Körnig. "Lastly, the energy transition has reached renters and tenants." These plug-and-play solar systems provide a low-entry path for millions of energy users and consumers. Following the removal of bureaucratic obstacles, Körnig predicts the momentum will continue.

Economical and inexpensive balcony power plants have gained traction since 2022 - also due to the large boost in electricity prices. In 2022, around 65,000 new solar systems were registered, in 2023 almost 280,000, and the current figure is over 150,000. These systems comprise solar panels with an inverter that converts solar power into household current. This can then be connected directly to the owner's power grid using a socket.

Rooftop solar energy contributes to domestic appliance power consumption reduction. Instead of relying on an electricity provider, the energy generated by these systems can be used for day-to-day chores. Excess electricity flows into the public grid for free. Whether or not such a system is profitable depends, the Consumer Center asserts, on the purchase cost, electricity price, and the amount of sunlight received at the system location.

Despite the rapid growth, mini power plants still account for a minor role in the generation of electricity in Germany. Even considering the current highest record level, their contribution is marginal.

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