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German Youth Occupy Median Position in Global Assessment of Creative Thinking Based on Pisa Study

Creative thinking among young Germans is comparable to that of youth in other OECD countries, according to the Technical University of Munich's recent announcement. Nearly every 15-year-old German possesses the same imaginative problem-solving skills as their counterparts in Spain, France, the...

Child with colored pencils
Child with colored pencils

German Youth Occupy Median Position in Global Assessment of Creative Thinking Based on Pisa Study

Examined was the creative ability in the latest PISA study, involving approximately 5900 15-year-olds in Germany. Besides tests in Mathematics, Reading, and Natural Sciences, results of which were published in 2023, these adolescents were also assessed on creative problem-solving. For example, they were asked to propose ways to promote bee awareness or create a dialogue for a comic.

around 27% of German youth excelled in creative thinking tasks, while around 22% struggled with simple visual designs and written presentations, or problem-solving.

Further analysis revealed that girls in Germany lagged significantly behind boys in creative thinking. However, after accounting for girls' superior reading skills, the gender difference in creative thinking was minimal.

According to the study, the most creatively competent youth can be found in South Korea, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. In terms of all participating countries, Singapore tops the list.

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