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German Railway Company appreciates soccer fans' understanding and positively evaluates the initial week of the European Championships.

German rail company, Deutsche Bahn, appreciates the first week of the European Football Championship, expressing gratitude to fans for their understanding during disruptions on main rail routes. As revealed on Saturday, these disruptions occurred frequently throughout the tournament's opening...

Deutsche Bahn ICE
Deutsche Bahn ICE

German Railway Company appreciates soccer fans' understanding and positively evaluates the initial week of the European Championships.

As per the railway, about three million passengers have hopped on ICE and IC trains since the commencement of the UEFA tournament. A whopping 150,000 railway staff were working round the clock to shuttle football enthusiasts to their preferred locations during the Euro. Topping the list was Berlin, closely trailed by Frankfurt am Main and Munich.

The railway remarked, "We've seen a similar amount of railway activity as during this UEFA tournament before." They offered a variety of special tickets, such as 182,000 fan tickets that include a match ticket, 60,000 fan Bahncards that can be extended for free if Germany wins the Euro for a year, and 7,000 Interrail passes.

Furthermore, the railway declared, "Switzerland takes the crown for 'Travel King' during the group stage." During the group stage, the Swiss team made five round trips by ICE for their matches, while Romania came in second with four journeys.

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