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German-Polish government consultations: Scholz received with military honors

On the occasion of the German-Polish government consultations in Warsaw, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was received with military honors by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Tuesday morning. The cabinet members traveling with him also took part in the ceremonial welcome. These are the...

Scholz and Tusk at the EU summit in Brussels
Scholz and Tusk at the EU summit in Brussels

German-Polish government consultations: Scholz received with military honors

First, there is a conversation scheduled between Scholz and Tusk, followed by the plenary session of consultations between ministers and ministers from both sides. Around 11.10 am, Scholz and Tusk are planning to hold a press conference.

Poland's national-conservative previous government under the PiS party kept a deliberate distance from Germany during its eight-year tenure. Moreover, it demanded reparations worth 1.3 billion Euros for the damages caused by Nazi-Germany during World War II.

According to a report in the "Süddeutsche Zeitung," a new start for the bilateral relations is also expected to contribute to a financial package in the three-digit million Euro range. This package is supposed to include payments to still living Polish NS victims and German support for the defense of NATO's eastern flank.

Part of the package is also the establishment of a German-Polish House in Berlin. It is intended to fill knowledge gaps among Germans about the fate of Poles during the NS occupation and create a place for commemoration of Polish victims. The cabinet approved a draft for this last week.

  1. During the Government consultations in Warsaw, Olaf Scholz and Donald Tusk will be discussing various topics, including potential honors for Poland and German-Polish relations.
  2. The SPD, led by Scholz, is hoping for a positive outcome from the Government consultation, aiming to strengthen the German-Polish partnership.
  3. Steffen Hebestreit, a prominent SPD politician, has been involved in the preparations for these Government consultations and the upcoming press conference with Tusk.
  4. Despite the strained relations between Poland and Germany under the PiS government, the new German government is eager to resume talks and mend fences, with a focus on joint defense efforts within NATO.
  5. The upcoming Government consultation in Warsaw will likely include discussions on the proposed financial package, including reparations for World War II victims and support for NATO's eastern flank.
  6. After the Polish elections later this year, the new Polish government, whether it's PiS or another party, will play a crucial role in shaping German-Polish relations, which have seen significant ups and downs throughout their history.

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