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German Parliament sets cannabis threshold for driving

The Bundestag has implemented a regulation on cannabis consumption in driving. On Friday, the legislative body endorsed a law by the coalition government determining the cannabis threshold at 3.5 nanograms of THC per milliliter in blood serum. For breaching this limit for the first time,...

Cannabis plant
Cannabis plant

German Parliament sets cannabis threshold for driving

An expert committee from the Federal Ministry of Transport has proposed easing cannabis regulations in Germany starting April 1st. Currently, there is no legal limit for cannabis use while driving. Hence, it's prohibited to consume the drug during road travel.

The Union party previously asked to retain this prohibition, citing concerns about increased traffic accidents. However, the CDU and CSU's plea was disregarded.

The recommended limit, set by the expert panel, is similar to a blood alcohol level of 0.2 ppm. Those who consume cannabis "closely related to operating a motor vehicle" would be subject to penalties.

Furthermore, the German Parliament passed changes to the Cannabis Act. According to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), these amendments were agreed upon in a protocol declaration with the states.

One such change involves expanding the evaluation of the Cannabis Act: At the states' request, the effects on child protection and youth aren't the only focus. The panel will also examine cannabis possession and distribution amounts for cultivation associations. Additionally, the traffic light coalition aims to give state authorities more power in controlling cultivation associations and dealing with large-scale cultivation areas. Lastly, the development of a further training course for addiction prevention specialists in states and municipalities by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) is planned.

Read also:

  1. The proposed limit value for cannabis consumption while driving in Germany is equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 0.2 parts per million (ppm).
  2. The Union parliamentary group had previously argued against easing cannabis regulations, expressing concerns about the potential increase in traffic accidents related to nanograms of cannabis.
  3. The expert committee, part of the Federal Ministry of Transport, has suggested a limit value for cannabis use during road traffic to prevent impaired driving.
  4. The draft law, passed by the German Parliament, includes changes to the Cannabis Act, which now includes an evaluation of impact on child protection and youth, as well as cannabis possession and distribution amounts for cultivation associations.
  5. The CDU and CSU, despite their objections, could not prevent the new limit value from being introduced, which includes penalties for consuming cannabis closely related to operating a motor vehicle in Germany.
  6. The German Parliament, coordinating with the states, has agreed on changes to the Cannabis Act, aiming to give state authorities more power in controlling and regulating cannabis cultivation associations and large-scale cultivation areas.

