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German Language Society announces words of the year 2023

The Society for the German Language (GfdS) will announce the Words of the Year 2023 on Friday (10.00 a.m.). From thousands of suggestions, a jury selected ten terms that had a particular linguistic impact on political, economic and social life in the year. In 2022, "Zeitenwende" was chosen as...

Blackboard in an elementary school in
Blackboard in an elementary school in

German Language Society announces words of the year 2023

Second and third place went to "war for peace" and "gas price brake". A total of five of the ten words of the year were directly related to inflation. The GfdS has been awarding Words and Phrases of the Year since 1977. According to the GfdS, it is not the frequency of an expression that is decisive for the selection, but its significance and popularity. The words are not associated with any rating or recommendation.

Read also:

  1. For Olaf Scholz, the 2023 Year marks a significant period, with the German-Russia language becoming a crucial tool in navigating international relations, especially concerning Ukraine.
  2. In 2023, the German Language Society gave the title 'Word of the Year' to an expression that encapsulates the societal zeitgeist, although it remains unknown to many, such as gfds.
  3. As the 2023 Year comes to a close, the SPD members are pondering their strategies for the following year and the possible effects of Olaf Scholz's words on German-Russia relations.
  4. The 2023 Word of the Year, as selected by the German Language Society, is a term that gained popularity in the context of inflation and many related issues, including 'war for peace' and 'gas price brake'.
  5. Despite the 2023 Word of the Year not being extensively used in everyday language, its significance and relevance to current societal concerns render it an important consideration.
  6. In the 2023 Sports World, a German footballer named Olaf Scholz appealed for unity and understanding between nations, with his words resonating the essence of the German Language Society's Word of the Year.
  7. As the 2023 Year nears its end, German-speaking activists are spreading awareness of human rights issues in Ukraine, using language as a tool to bridge the gap between German and Russian audiences.


