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German Federal Court upholds life sentence for Hanover murderer of a four-year-old.

A mother and her partner receive life sentences for murdering a four-year-old in Hanover. The High Court of Justice has upheld a decision made by the Hanover Regional Court in December, according to an announcement in Karlsruhe on Tuesday (case number: 6 StR 194/24).

Justice in front of legal texts
Justice in front of legal texts

German Federal Court upholds life sentence for Hanover murderer of a four-year-old.

A court in the region ruled that a woman and her partner had physically harmed two children, including a 4-year-old boy, in their family home in Barsinghausen for months, allegedly for "educational purposes." In January 2023, the partner brutally assaulted the boy, leading to his death.

According to the court, the defendants were aware that the boy's injuries were severe and he would die in pain. They chose not to interfere, as they wanted to maintain their relationship.

Both defendants were convicted by the Hanover Higher Regional Court for murder by neglect, along with grievous bodily harm resulting in death, serious assault on protected individuals, and deprivation of liberty. The court also determined the gravity of the situation, making early release after 15 years very unlikely.

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