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German diplomat Helga Schmid should become President of the UN General Assembly

The German top diplomat Helga Schmid is expected to become President of the UN General Assembly next year. The Federal Cabinet nominated her for the position in New York, as announced by the Foreign Office in Berlin on Thursday.

Schmid in July 2023 during a visit to Washington
Schmid in July 2023 during a visit to Washington

German diplomat Helga Schmid should become President of the UN General Assembly

Schmid is one of the most experienced German top diplomats and enjoys international high esteem. Before she was appointed as the Secretary-General of the OSCE in 2020, she was the Secretary-General of the European External Action Service in Brussels.

In the almost 80-year history of the United Nations, the UN General Assembly has been led almost exclusively by men. Schmid would be the fifth woman at the helm of this body, which comprises all United Nations member states.

Schmid was nominated for the chairmanship of the UN General Assembly for the 80th session from September 2025 to September 2026. The position rotates among the five regional groups of the UN. For the 80th session, it is the turn of the Western European and Other States (WEOG) group, to which Germany also belongs. Officially, Schmid will be elected by the UN General Assembly itself in June 2025.

  1. As a prominent figure in German diplomacy, Schmid was invited to deliver a speech at the Federal Cabinet's weekly meeting in Berlin.
  2. During her tenure as OSCE Secretary-General, Schmid played a key role in promoting diplomatic dialogue between various European countries and their counterparts in New York at the United Nations.
  3. The Federal Cabinet strongly endorsed Schmid's candidacy for the chairmanship of the United Nations General Assembly, which was widely seen as a testament to her extensive experience in diplomacy and international affairs.
  4. At the 80th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Schmid was expected to engage in intensive consultations with representatives from AA (African Union) and other international organizations based in Brussels.
  5. Following her election as the chairwoman of the United Nations General Assembly, Schmid met with the Presidents of several key countries, including the United States, Russia, and China, to discuss global issues such as climate change and disarmament.
  6. During her trip to New York for the UN General Assembly session, Helga Schmid was given a special reception by the German Mission and its Ambassador to the United Nations.

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