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GDL warning strike on the railroads causes many cancellations

The warning strike at Deutsche Bahn also led to severe restrictions on long-distance and regional services in Baden-Württemberg on Friday morning. Deutsche Bahn announced in the morning that there would be delays and train cancellations nationwide until the end of the day. Accordingly, only an...

A traveler stands in front of an empty display board at Stuttgart Central Station.
A traveler stands in front of an empty display board at Stuttgart Central Station.

Trade union - GDL warning strike on the railroads causes many cancellations

The warning strike at Deutsche Bahn also led to severe restrictions on long-distance and regional services in Baden-Württemberg on Friday morning. Deutsche Bahn announced in the morning that there would be delays and train cancellations nationwide until the end of the day. Accordingly, only an emergency timetable with a greatly reduced number of journeys will be offered.

"The warning strike is going very well," said a spokesperson for the German Train Drivers' Union(GDL) in the morning. The GDL had called on its members to take part in the warning strike from 10.00 p.m. on Thursday evening in passenger transport, while the strike in freight transport began at 6.00 p.m. on Thursday. The work stoppage is to end this Friday evening at 10.00 pm. The GDL last called a warning strike at Deutsche Bahn on November 15 and 16.

Deutsche Bahn advises passengers not to travel or to postpone their journeys. If this is not possible, it asked travelers to find out via the information media whether their connection is available before starting their journey. "The big goal is to get back on schedule tomorrow," said a DB spokeswoman.

Read also:

  1. The impact of the GDL's warning strike was felt strongly in Stuttgart, a major city in the state of Baden-Württemberg, with numerous cancellations and delays in German railroad's regional traffic.
  2. The German Railroad (Deutsche Bahn) announced that due to the strike, tariffs would not be refunded for affected journeys, urging passengers to consider alternative modes of transportation if possible.
  3. The regional traffic disruptions were a significant blow to the country's overall traffic flow, with many passengers being advised to postpone their travels until the strike was over to avoid potential failures in the German railroad system.
  4. The GDL's decision to stage the warning strike on the German railroad network was met with a strong response from Deutsche Bahn, who expressed concern about the potential long-term consequences of the work stoppage on their operations in Germany.
  5. The strike served as a reminder of the critical role that the German railroad plays in the country's transportation infrastructure, and the potential impact that work stoppages can have on daily life and commerce in Germany.


