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GDL union wants to strike for up to five days at Deutsche Bahn

When will the train drivers at Deutsche Bahn go on strike? GDL boss Weselsky has so far left the answer to this question open. Instead, he reveals further details of his plans.

The German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is planning to strike at Deutsche Bahn for up to five days,
The German Train Drivers' Union (GDL) is planning to strike at Deutsche Bahn for up to five days, according to reports.

Engine driver - GDL union wants to strike for up to five days at Deutsche Bahn

Rail travelers must be prepared for three to five days of strikes on the railways from January. "Calling an indefinite strike would not be right in view of the customers and the economic consequences," said the chairman of the train drivers' union GDL, Claus Weselsky, in the Rheinische Post newspaper. "We will go on strike for three to a maximum of five days," said the 64-year-old.

However, the strikes have not yet been finalized. Weselsky recently emphasized that he would refrain from further industrial action if the employers made concessions. "The strike can always be averted," Weselsky told RBB-Inforadio. "The employer side always has the option of sending an offer, of making an offer in which the key points, including the weekly working hours, are anchored in such a way that negotiations can begin again."

Tailwind from the ballot result

In principle, however, the GDL boss can call for strikes lasting several days or even indefinite strikes at any time in the current wage dispute. In a ballot on such work stoppages, 97 percent of participating members at Deutsche Bahn and the railroad company Transdev were in favor, giving the green light. According to the statutes, 75 percent approval was required for indefinite strikes.

The GDL and Deutsche Bahn have been negotiating new collective agreements since the beginning of November. However, Weselsky declared the negotiations to have failed after the second round. A central sticking point in the conflict is the reduction in weekly working hours for shift workers on full pay demanded by the GDL. The union wants a reduction from 38 to 35 hours. Deutsche Bahn considers this to be unachievable, partly due to the shortage of skilled workers. Since the beginning of November, the GDL has already tried to increase the pressure on Deutsche Bahn with two warning strikes. So far, however, Deutsche Bahn has maintained its stance on the issue of working hours.

GDL record strike lasted 127 hours

Should the GDL strike again, this will not happen until the new year at the earliest. Weselsky has repeatedly promised that there will be no new strike by train drivers until January 7.

In previous collective bargaining rounds, strikes lasting several days were not uncommon. The longest GDL strike at Deutsche Bahn to date took place in May 2015 with 127 hours (5 days plus 7 hours) in passenger transport and 138 strike hours (5 days plus 18 hours) in freight transport. In 2021, the GDL went on strike for around five days.

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