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Gathering for a European democracy.

Artists, performers, and union members aim to perform on stage and demonstrate against extremism. A massive protest against right-wing extremism is anticipated in Cologne, with thousands participating.

Demonstration against the AfD.
Demonstration against the AfD.

Protests Take Place - Gathering for a European democracy.

Approximately a week prior to the European elections, a gathering aimed at promoting democracy in Europe will be held in Koln. The events, "Arsch huh" and "Cologne resists," have organized a protest for this Saturday (3:00 pm) in Deutz. Expected to appear are several artists and speakers, such as bands Höhner and Paveier, cabaret artist Wilfried Schmickler, and the DGB chairwoman, Yasmin Fahimi. Authorities have recorded around 10,000 participants.

In their call to action, the organizers express concern over the ascent of right-wing and right-populist parties, seeing it as a grave danger to Europe's fundamental political and societal values, as well as human rights. They stress that a high voter turnout for democratic-aligned parties is crucial in building a sturdy and democratic Europe.

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