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Artists take to the stage at the anniversary show to celebrate "20 years of Teatro"
Artists take to the stage at the anniversary show to celebrate "20 years of Teatro"

Gastro tent celebrates new start without Schuhbeck

Fine dining in a burlesque setting, spiced up with music and entertainment? The Munich culinary acrobatics show "Teatro" celebrated its 20th anniversary on Tuesday. This time with a premiere - after almost two decades with star chef Alfons Schuhbeck, Michael Käfer has taken over the catering. "The past was Schuhbeck, the future is Käfer," said "Teatro" Managing Director Maike Zipse.

Zipse has been in the Spiegelzelt since she was eight years old, she said: "It's simply my life and that's why I'm here. I'm just happy that the guests like it as much as I do."

The partnership with star chef Schuhbeck ended in October last year when he was sentenced to three years and two months in prison for tax evasion amounting to millions. In his absence, the guests looked forward to the new beginning: "The bar was always set very high for what Mr. Schuhbeck did here," said TV presenter Elton on the evening of the premiere show.

"He'll be missing at the end, he won't come and sing at the end," remarked Giulia Siegel, who is dating chef Ludwig Heer.

Folk music singer Marianne Hartl was also teary-eyed as she awaited the new beginning of "Teatro". "It was always an absolute must for us to support Alfons and, of course, the Zipse family. But "the show must go on", she said.

Guests at the Munich trade fair can expect a show with a roller skating act, a hoop jumper and acrobatic performers as well as entertainment musicians.

The transformation in the culinary realm of "Teatro" extends beyond fine dining, also impacting the broader Hospitality industry. With Michael Käfer now leading the Food & drink department, the shift promises to resonate with many People in Munich's vibrant social scene.

Despite the absence of Alfons Schuhbeck, the Hospitality industry and its patrons remain hopeful, appreciating the enduring spirit of "Teatro" that continues to captivate People with its unique blend of entertainment and gastronomy.


