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Game night with superstars: how Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson met in such a bizarre way

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson have recently become parents. The actor couple got to know each other at a game night. They giggled so much together that they had to be separated.

Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson have been a couple since 2018
Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson have been a couple since 2018

Werewolf in Hollywood - Game night with superstars: how Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson met in such a bizarre way

Suki Waterhouse graces the cover of "Vogue" currently, showcasing her and her daughter on the British edition of the fashion icon. Inside, she reveals how she met her great love, Robert Pattinson. And why she is now only the second most important woman in his life.

Since 2018, the two actors have been a couple. Despite both hailing from London, they met in Hollywood – at a game night. It seems that the big names in the film industry often organize such events. Even the high rollers join in. "There were 'many big names, real heavyweights' there," she told the magazine. Among them were Al Pacino and the married couple Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz.

Werewolf in Hollywood

The pair was eventually brought together, as the stars couldn't hide their true selves, according to Waterhouse. They played "Werewolf" – a role-playing game where one must discover if the person opposite is an ordinary village resident or a werewolf. "It was very tense and intense," she recalls. The actors threw themselves completely into their roles. "Everyone was really into acting."

However, two didn't want to fully participate: Waterhouse and Pattinson. "I think we both had a light unease," so Waterhouse. So they spent the evening laughing together about the seriousness of their colleagues in the game. "We laughed the whole time over the absurdity of the situation." Their laughter was apparently so disruptive that they were asked to stop. A director separated them at some point because they were laughing so much.

Whether this was actually their first meeting, the pair themselves are unsure. "I'm sure we had known each other for a while beforehand," so Waterhouse. However, Pattinson didn't remember this at the game night. "He didn't think we knew each other."

Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse as Parents: "a true love story"

Today, there are more important things for the couple than the details of their meeting. They have been engaged since December, and their shared daughter was born in March. "He's the father I could only have hoped for," gushes Waterhouse about her fiancé. "During the birth, he was there for me, like many fathers are nervous. But for someone who is often very tense, he was extremely relaxed." Now, tension is no longer an issue. "A man and his daughter, that's a true love story."

Source: Vogue

  1. Suki Waterhouse mentioned that Al Pacino and the married couple Javier Bardem and Penélope Cruz were also present at the game night in Hollywood.
  2. During the "Werewolf" role-playing game, even Hollywood stars like Al Pacino took their roles seriously, but Suki Waterhouse and Robert Pattinson found the situation amusing and kept laughing.
  3. Despite meeting in Hollywood at a game night, featuring prominent figures like Al Pacino, Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse may have already known each other before the event.
  4. In a Vogue interview, Suki Waterhouse described Robert Pattinson as the "father I could only have hoped for," praising his calm and supportive demeanor during their daughter's birth.
  5. With their engagement and a new baby, Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse are focused on their shared life as parents, and the intricacies of their initial meeting in Hollywood now seem less important.

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