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Gaebler wants to present faster construction law by the summer

Apartments are in short supply in Berlin. The Senate is proceeding too slowly with new construction. A law should help to finally speed things up.

Christian Gaebler (SPD), Berlin Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing, during
Christian Gaebler (SPD), Berlin Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing, during a discussion.

Building Senator - Gaebler wants to present faster construction law by the summer

Black-Red wants to present its planned law for faster construction by mid-2024. "In recent months, we have received hundreds of comments, suggestions and proposals from the affected associations and districts regarding the Faster Construction Act," said Christian Gaebler (SPD), Senator for Urban Development and Construction, to the German Press Agency. They have now been evaluated and sent to the relevant specialist administrations for comments. "The aim is to come up with the first legal formulations at the beginning of the year."

Gaebler also wants to tackle administrative processes

However, the topic of faster construction is only partly about a law, but also about specifications, administrative procedures, administrative regulations and implementing regulations. "In other words, what we call sub-legislative regulations," said the SPD politician. "I think it is realistic that we will get the law passed and on its way by mid-2024," said Gaebler. "I don't want to put my hand in the fire as to whether we'll manage everything right up to the last implementing regulation. It's an ambitious project, but we need to be a significant step further by the middle of the year."

The black-red Senate has actually wanted this for a long time. "We want to introduce a 'faster construction law', which will happen this year," declared Berlin's governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) at the beginning of August. Against the backdrop of the ongoing severe housing shortage in Berlin, the law is intended to speed up and simplify planning procedures, among other things. In mid-December, the state parliament already passed an amendment to the building regulations, which is intended to make it easier to add storeys, extend roofs and build with wood, for example.

Reliable building deadlines should become standard

"It's not about clear-cutting, but about clear rules for the tasks that still need to be done. In my view, the most important thing is reliable deadlines," said Gaebler. "Up to now, the relevant administrations have taken as much time as they think they need for certain opinions. Then someone is on vacation or ill - which can always happen," said the senator. "However, it's not acceptable for nothing to be done and, in the worst case, for it to take six months before a statement is issued."

A kind of closing date is necessary. "All objections must have been received by then. Anyone who has not delivered anything by then is out," explained the construction senator. "Which is also unacceptable: We sometimes have processes that take two years. And then someone comes around the corner and says: 'Oh dear, you didn't even ask me'," complained Gaebler. "Or: I've looked at it again, you haven't considered this and that, let's start again. That can't be right either."

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