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G7 Group engages in a musical celebration, singing "Happy Birthday" to Scholz for his birthday.

G7 allies serenaded German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) with "Happy Birthday" at their summit, as the leader turned 66 on Friday. The celebration took place before the commencement of meetings on the summit's second day, according to information from the participants' entourage. As of now, it...

Scholz with G7 partners
Scholz with G7 partners

G7 Group engages in a musical celebration, singing "Happy Birthday" to Scholz for his birthday.

Seven big industrial countries met in the southern Italian region of Apulia, leaving much time for celebrations. The group then held their first work session focusing on the topic of migration. The meeting scheduled for Friday includes discussions on China's political and economic tensions, artificial intelligence, and Africa's relationship with the G7. In the afternoon, Pope Francis is expected to grace the event with his presence.

Here's a list of days in a week in English:

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday

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