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Future prospects for almost 300 Regiomed employees

The insolvency of the Regiomed Group came as a shock to employees in clinics and care homes in southern Thuringia. A solution is now emerging for some of them.

A future perspective is emerging for around 300 Regiomed employees (archive image).
A future perspective is emerging for around 300 Regiomed employees (archive image).

Insolvency - Future prospects for almost 300 Regiomed employees

Coburg/Hildburghausen/Sonneberg (dpa) – Around 300 employees of the insolvent Regiomed-Group are looking forward to a future perspective. The AWO intends to take over three senior centers and two homes for mentally ill patients and intellectually disabled persons in Hildburghausen, Eisfeld and Sonneberg, a spokesperson announced. The facilities are scheduled to be transferred to the Social Welfare Association on September 1st.

The formalities still need to be clarified to make the transfer binding. The services in the homes are expected to remain unchanged. The approximately 295 employees are also expected to be able to keep their jobs. No terminations are planned.

No decision yet for clinic locations

According to the spokesperson, negotiations for the clinic locations of the group are still ongoing. The districts of Sonneberg and Hildburghausen have made takeover offers for the respective Regiomed-Facilities. However, the district assemblies need to convene after the municipal elections. Originally, it was intended to complete the self-administered insolvency proceedings by the end of June.

The Regiomed-operated ambulance service is to be transferred to the ASB Ambulance Service Thuringia, according to the company. The ASB intends to permanently assume the conditions of the employment contracts of the employees. Personnel and performance structures are to remain unchanged. The transfer is planned to take place no later than October 1st.

The clinic group with 5000 employees at a dozen locations in Bavaria and Thuringia filed for insolvency in self-administration shortly after the beginning of the year. The clinics in Coburg, Lichtenfels, Neustadt (Bavaria), Hildburghausen and Sonneberg (Thuringia), as well as medical care centers, senior centers, homes and the ambulance service are affected. All affected districts had previously made takeover offers. For the Bavarian locations, the Sana Clinic AG had also submitted an offer.

  1. Despite the insolvency of Regiomed-Group, there's hope for the future for its 300 employees in Hildburghausen, Eisfeld, and Sonneberg, as the AWO plans to acquire three senior centers and two homes for the mentally ill and intellectually disabled.
  2. The districts of Sonneberg and Hildburghausen have submitted offers to take over the Regiomed-Facilities, but the district assemblies need to convene post-municipal elections before a decision can be made.
  3. In Southern Thuringia, the Regiomed-operated ambulance service will be transferred to the ASB Ambulance Service Thuringia, and the employment conditions of the staff will be maintained, ensuring no changes in personnel or performance structures.
  4. The Regiomed-Group, which operates clinics with 5000 employees across a dozen locations in Bavaria and Thuringia, filed for insolvency in self-administration at the start of the year, affecting facilities in Coburg, Hildburghausen, Sonneberg, among others.
  5. The AWO's acquisition of Regiomed's facilities in Hildburghausen, Eisfeld, and Sonneberg includes three senior centers and two homes for mentally ill and intellectually disabled individuals, scheduled to transfer on September 1st.
  6. Thuringia's municipalities have been actively involved in the process, making takeover offers for the insolvent Regiomed-Group's facilities, including clinics, homes, and medical care centers, to secure local health services and preserve jobs.

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