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Fusion Festival becomes a training center for doctors

Go to the dentist at a festival? Take the exam for the university course in emergency medicine? That's what's happening at the Fusion Festival this weekend.

Cyclists ride past a signpost for the Fusion music festival on an access road.
Cyclists ride past a signpost for the Fusion music festival on an access road.

Medicine - Fusion Festival becomes a training center for doctors

Medical students from Rostock university wish to complete the examination of their university course in emergency medicine at the Fusion-Festival in Lärz. There are 150 student nurses and doctors participating in the festival, according to Gernot Rücker, the medical director of the Rostock University Hospital's emergency medical training center, on a Thursday.

"The cooperation between the University of Rostock and the Fusion-Festival has existed for over twenty years," says Rücker. The course model provides that advanced medical students, at least in their eighth semester, participate in the festival to gain practical experience in emergency medicine. To participate in the course, they must meet certain requirements. For example, they need a first aid certificate and attend specific preparation courses, as well as a lecture on drugs.

At the festival, the students must work for a total of twelve hours twice, according to Rücker. Everything is voluntary. The oral examination, which is often conducted during the festival, can be taken either directly at the patient or in Rostock afterwards. Watching a concert between shifts instead? No problem, says Rücker.

The most common health issues are allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, and in certain weather conditions, asthma or skin inflammation. "Of course, there will also be some people with injuries, such as those who have stepped on glass shards, or whose gas cookers have exploded near their ears," says Rücker. The training program has already received awards, such as the University of Rostock's outstanding teaching award in 2011.

Rücker is responsible for the complete medical care at the festival with approximately 450 team members, including the students. During the festival, his team treats an average of between 2000 and 4500 patients. Sixty doctors from twelve different specialties are on duty at the festival. "There's everything in there: Trauma surgery, radiology, anesthesia, internal medicine, urology, gynecology," he explains. There's even a dentist.

Information about the course of the University of Rostock Fusion-Festival University of Rostock Fusion-Festival website

  1. The Fusion-Festival in Lärz, located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, is a notable venue for medical students from Rostock University to complete their emergency medicine course.
  2. Gernot Rücker, the medical director of the Rostock University Hospital's emergency medical training center, mentions that the festival in Rostock has a long-standing cooperation with the university for over twenty years.
  3. The cooperation between the University of Rostock and the Fusion-Festival involves advanced medical students participating in the festival during weekends to gain practical experience in emergency medicine in Lärz.
  4. To participate in the emergency medicine course at the Fusion-Festival, students must meet specific requirements, such as possessing a first aid certificate, attending preparation courses, and attending a lecture on drugs, according to Gernot Rücker.
  5. Gernot Rücker, responsible for the complete medical care at the festival with approximately 450 team members, including student nurses and doctors, mentions that his team treats an average of between 2000 and 4500 patients during the festival in various specialties, including trauma surgery, radiology, and even dentistry.

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