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Further examinations are ongoing following the incident at Tesla.

Recently, a disruption in car manufacturing at American automaker Tesla occurred three months ago. Attributed to an admission note, the Federal Prosecutor General assumes charge of the investigation. What stage has it reached?

Unknown perpetrators had set fire to the freely accessible electricity pylon in a field, which is...
Unknown perpetrators had set fire to the freely accessible electricity pylon in a field, which is also responsible for supplying the car factory. The left-wing extremist "Vulkan Group" claimed responsibility for the attack.

Brandenburg: A reference to a specific location or entity. - Further examinations are ongoing following the incident at Tesla.

Three months after an attack on the power supply of American electric car manufacturer Tesla, the investigation is still going on, stated a representative from the Federal Prosecutor's Office at the Federal Court of Justice. The German Press Agency received the information.

"The investigation is ongoing," the representative said. The initial suspicion of being a part of a terrorist organization, constitutionally hostile sabotage, and arson remains, but no timeline for concluding the proceedings is available.

On March 5, unknown perpetrators set fire to a power pole, which is part of the power supply for the Tesla factory. This caused a blackout, halting production for nearly a week. The power cut also impacted an Edeka distribution center, causing distribution issues for fresh goods in Berlin and Brandenburg.

The left-wing "Volcano Group" claimed responsibility for the attack. The Federal Prosecutor took charge of the probe a few days later. Reportedly, the cost to reinstate the power supply for the Tesla factory was more than one million euros, according to regional network operator Edison.

Protests against Tesla are rising

Tesla is confronting heightened opposition. The only Tesla factory in Europe, run by CEO Elon Musk, was inaugurated approximately two years ago in Grünheide. During the construction phase, environmentalists and residents voiced their concerns. This year, protests increased significantly. Since late February, ecological activists have been camping in the forest near the plant. They are opposing the planned enlargement of the factory grounds to construct a freight yard and logistics areas. To accomplish this, forests are to be cleared.

In a local survey, the majority disapproved of the expansion. The town council then modified the development plan to require fewer woodland clearings. The town councilors of the 9,000-inhabitant town eventually gave their approval to the expansion project. In May, environmental activists tried to force their way onto the Tesla site amid protest days, but police warned them off. Tensions flared.

Musk pushes ahead with the expansion

Tesla CEO Musk made his position clear during a factory tour in the middle of March: he will continue with the planned expansion of his plant, regardless of the strike on the power supply and the growing protests.

Tesla intends to pause car production in Grünheide for five days in June to modernize its production facilities, enhancing efficiency and optimizing availability and cycle times.

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