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Füracker warns coalition partners: not everything can be done immediately

Ahead of the final negotiations on the new double budget, Bavaria's Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) has warned both coalition partners against exaggerated wishes and expectations. "We don't have much room for maneuver," Füracker told the German Press Agency in Munich. Around 70 percent...

Albert Füracker (CSU), Bavarian Minister of Finance.
Albert Füracker (CSU), Bavarian Minister of Finance.

Minister of Finance - Füracker warns coalition partners: not everything can be done immediately

Ahead of the final negotiations on the new double budget, Bavaria's Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) has warned both coalition partners against exaggerated wishes and expectations. "We don't have much room for maneuver," Füracker told the German Press Agency in Munich. Around 70 percent of the budget is already earmarked for personnel costs and local authorities. "Budgeting is the order of the day," he said and warned: "We cannot afford any major new additional expenditure."

The size of the budget is therefore likely to remain roughly the same as in previous years. "We won't be able to go much higher, where is the money supposed to come from with falling tax revenues?" In 2023, the Bavarian budget amounted to a good 71 billion euros.

Read also:

  1. Despite the upcoming negotiations on the new double budget, Bavaria's CSU representative, Minister of Finance Albert Füracker, expressed concern about exaggerated wishes from coalition partners, as he stated to the German Press Agency in Munich, noting that a significant portion of the budget is already allocated towards personnel costs and local authorities.
  2. The German Press Agency reported in Munich that Minister Füracker warned against major new additional expenditures due to limited budget flexibility, as around 70% of the budget is already dedicated, and the budgeting process is of paramount importance to avoid financial strain.
  3. The CSU's Albert Füracker, Munich's Finance Minister, emphasized the financial constraints faced by Bavaria when discussing the upcoming budget negotiations with the German Press Agency, mentioning that with falling tax revenues, it will be challenging to approve any substantial budget increases, as the 2023 budget already amounted to approximately 71 billion euros.




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