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Füracker: States should pay the bill for traffic light errors

The criticism from Bavaria of the budget compromise of the traffic light coalition with its various savings plans shows no sign of abating. "Now exactly what we have always called for is happening: The population, farmers and the federal states are being asked to foot the bill for the mistakes...

Albert Füracker (r, CSU), Bavarian Minister of Finance, speaks in the Bavarian state
Albert Füracker (r, CSU), Bavarian Minister of Finance, speaks in the Bavarian state parliament during a plenary session.

Household - Füracker: States should pay the bill for traffic light errors

The criticism from Bavaria of the budget compromise of the traffic light coalition with its various savings plans shows no sign of abating. "Now exactly what we have always called for is happening: The population, farmers and the federal states are being made to foot the bill for the mistakes of the traffic light coalition. We will not accept this," said Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) on Thursday in Munich.

He warned of noticeable effects on Bavaria as well. "Let me make it crystal clear: the budget situation of the federal states is also very tight. Even Bavaria cannot replace lost federal funding under any circumstances." Specifically, the Free State fears, for example, cuts to regionalization funds for local transport, the digital pact or joint federal-state funding in the science sector.

"Everyone will have to pay more from next year. The sudden increase in the CO2 tax is a burden on everyone - directly, for example, when filling up and heating and indirectly, for example, through rising food prices," warned Füracker. He once again criticized the fact that agriculture would be particularly burdened. "Agriculture and forestry, with around 168,000 people affected, is the big loser of the traffic light chaos - almost one billion euros in aid per year is suddenly being cut by the federal government," he calculated. "It is absolutely irresponsible to place such a massive burden on the industry that provides regional and first-class food." The reason for this is the planned abolition of the tax concessions for agricultural diesel and the abolition of vehicle tax concessions.

After days of negotiations, the leaders of the traffic light coalition announced an agreement on the federal budget for 2024 on Wednesday. According to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), the SPD, Greens and FDP want to stick to their central political goals, but see themselves forced to make cuts and savings following the budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court. According to Scholz, climate-damaging subsidies will be abolished, spending by individual departments will be reduced and federal subsidies will be cut.

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