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Funeral service for 18-year-old dead: "Shock runs deep"

A week ago, an 18-year-old girl was found dead in Pasewalk. A funeral service has now been held by the operator of the disabled facility where the young woman lived.

View of the town sign of Pasewalk.
View of the town sign of Pasewalk.

Pasewalk - Funeral service for 18-year-old dead: "Shock runs deep"

Following the death of an 18-year-old resident of a facility for the disabled in Pasewalk, fellow residents and employees of the facility, among others, have paid their respects at a funeral service. The young woman was found dead a week ago in a garden in Pasewalk (Vorpommern-Greifswald district). The police are investigating a homicide. "We are still stunned and infinitely saddened," said Gemeinnützige Werk- und Wohnstätten GmbH (GWW), quoting its Managing Director Martin Kühl on Thursday. Her sympathies go out to her family, friends and everyone who was close to her.

"The shock is deep," said Kühl. Many had known the young woman and could not understand "that she is simply no longer there". The facility's social services are increasingly available to talk to residents and all employees at all 17 GWW locations.

The police had arrested two suspects - a 20-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman. According to the public prosecutor's office, the victim and the suspects all three lived in the facility for the disabled in Pasewalk.

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