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Functioning of a UFO Reporting Center

Cloud shapes occasionally bear resemblance to unidentified flying objects.
Cloud shapes occasionally bear resemblance to unidentified flying objects.

Functioning of a UFO Reporting Center

For nearly half a century, Hansjürgen Köhler has been enthralled by the enigma of UFOs. CENAP, the Central Research Network for Anomalous Sky Phenomena, serves as a sanctuary for individuals seeking a scientific solution to their cryptic encounters.

Köhler, the founder and director of CENAP, is quick to distinguish his organization from the rapid-fire claims of alien invasions made by some ufologists. "We stand apart from those who propagate the existence of extraterrestrial life forms dwelling on our planet," he points out.

These ufologists have fueled speculations of 30 crashed saucers and over 113 dead and living aliens secretly stashed away in the United States. Köhler scoffs at this notion, stating that "these assertions lack substantiation and stand in stark contradiction to our findings from over 50 years of rigorous case investigations."

With an arsenal of over 11,000 observation reports, CENAP has meticulously analyzed thousands of photos and videos, ultimately tracing them back to naturally-occurring sources or human interference. Currently, they have 119 unresolved cases, but Köhler discourages wild theories, urging for patience and concrete data such as location, date, time, and celestial direction for proper analysis.

A beacon for the bewildered

CENAP's name, UFO, derived from unidentified flying object, is a testament to their mission: to serve as a resource for those who unearth a confounding phenomena but lack the ability to identify its origin. Their establishment in 1976 is supported by both the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Air Traffic Control (DFS).

The type of observations reported has undergone a dramatic transformation over the decades, as Köhler attests. "In the 1980s, mini hot air balloons were responsible for a surge of reports, while in the 1990s, Skytrackers and disco spotlights were the source. Come the end of the 90s, Chinese sky lanterns made a splash, igniting a flurry of reports in the early 2000s. Finally, private and industrial drones found their place in the skies by the 2010s."

SpaceX ignites UFO sightings

For several years now, SpaceX’s launches have left an indelible mark, thanks to Elon Musk's Starlink satellites. These satellites have catalyzed an uptick in UFO sightings, Köhler observes. "Because in normal years, we would typically process around 300 to 400 case reports, but in the last five years, the number has increased to 700 to 900 reports," he notes. By October 20, 2024, the number exceeded 850, and Köhler expects it to surpass 1,000 by year's end.

However, SpaceX is not the sole culprit for the majority of the reports. Sometimes, rocket burns, or "burn-ups," in orbit trigger UFO sightings due to the formation of mesmerizing structures in the night sky when illuminated by the sun.

Analyzing the Reports

Once a UFO report is filed, basic details--such as location, date, time, and description--are gathered. A map is then generated, and the witness's narrative along with any photos or videos are inputted into the case file.

Subsequently, the evidence is scrutinized by analyzing likely suspects, including astronomical data, plane or helicopter flyovers, or simply clarifying what natural phenomenon may have caused the sighting. "Photographic and video recordings of the occurrence are matched against our extensive database to help identify the source," Köhler explains.

Are they just conspiracy theorists?

Those reporting UFO sightings come from all walks of life. Köhler claims that 99 percent of them are fascinated by the scope and depth of the investigation and desire a straightforward answer, "contrary to the perception that they come expecting to have spotted an extraterrestrial craft."

However, a small segment of these individuals become convinced their observation was an extraterrestrial spacecraft, often following the sensationalized portrayal in media. They are then dejected when Köhler's team provides a more earthly explanation for the sighting.

UFO reports pour in from across Germany. In 2023, the highest rate of incidences per million inhabitants was recorded in Rhineland-Palatinate (18) and Hesse (17.4), while Saxony (2.7) and Bremen (1.5) saw the fewest inquiries.

The passion behind Köhler

Köhler finds joy in the pursuit of identifying these celestial riddles. His fascination with the unknown, from novel event light effect devices to drone technology, propels his mission. Furthermore, there was no other organization dedicated to providing scientific solutions to concerned citizens, which drove Köhler to delve deeper into the enigma of UFOs.

Despite the skepticism that often shadows his work, Köhler remains optimistic: "As a young man who marveled at the moon landing on black-and-white TV, the possibility of extraterrestrial life or spacecraft visits never crossed my mind, but if we humans could reach the moon, why couldn't extraterrestrials?"

Today, he distinguishes his UFO investigations from alien existence, stating, "Up until now, I've failed to uncover any concrete proof of alien visits to our planet." However, his astronomical expertise lends him confidence as he gazes into the future, declaring, "I firmly believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. I'm certain we'll stumble upon hints with advancements in our probe technology and enhanced telescopes."

Köhler and his team at CENAP are constantly debunking UFO sightings that are attributed to man-made objects, such as SpaceX's Starlink satellites, drones, and natural phenomena. Despite the increase in UFO reports due to SpaceX's launches, Köhler remains skeptical of claims of crashed saucers and alien bodies being hidden in the United States, stating that such assertions lack substantiation.

With the establishment of CENAP in 1976, Köhler aims to provide a scientific resource for individuals who encounter unexplainable phenomena but lack the ability to identify their origin. As the type of observations reported has transformed over the decades, CENAP has evolved its approach to investigating and analyzing these reports, ensuring that they remain a beacon for the bewildered in their quest for answers.

Hansjürgen Koler has taken up the mission of deciphering and explaining enigmatic aerial occurrences and meteorological phenomena to the general public.

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