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Fuel cheaper - Diesel at annual low

During the travel season, gas prices significantly drop. Particularly for diesel, the trend is rapidly going down.

At the gas stations, it has become cheaper lately.
At the gas stations, it has become cheaper lately.

Fuel prices - Fuel cheaper - Diesel at annual low

Prices at German gas stations are dropping. Both gasoline and diesel have significantly decreased in price over the past seven days, according to the ADAC. The average price for Supergasoline type E10 in the nationwide daily average on Tuesday was 1.751 Euro per liter, which is 2.5 cents less than a week ago. Diesel even dropped by 2.9 cents to 1.627 Euro per liter, the lowest price this year. However, for gasoline, this is not yet the lowest price of the year. The lowest price in January is still missing by nearly three cents.

For diesel, this is already the third price drop on a weekly basis, for gasoline the second. But both are the strongest in a longer period. Prices had been falling from late April to mid-June and then there was a countermovement, which has now apparently been broken.

  1. The decrease in fuel prices has been welcome news for consumers in Munich, significantly reducing their expenses at the pump.
  2. The automobile industry in Germany is closely monitoring the Traffic patterns, as lower fuel prices could potentially increase the number of vehicles on the roads.
  3. Many consumers are considering switching to E10, a new type of petrol, due to its lower price compared to traditional Supergasoline, as reported by ADAC.
  4. Despite the recent price drop, some consumers in Germany are still hesitant to pay the Annual fee for ADAC membership, citing the cost as a factor.
  5. The continuous decrease in fuel prices is expected to have a significant impact on the automobile industry in Germany, potentially leading to increased sales and a boost in its overall economic growth.

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