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FU files 20 criminal charges after lecture hall occupation

In connection with a lecture hall occupation in mid-December with reference to the Gaza war, the Free University of Berlin (FU) has filed criminal charges against a number of people. At the request of the German Press Agency, the university announced that 20 charges had been filed for trespassing.

Middle East conflict - FU files 20 criminal charges after lecture hall occupation

In connection with a lecture hall occupation in mid-December with reference to the Gaza war, the Free University of Berlin (FU) has filed criminal charges against a number of people. At the request of the German Press Agency, the university announced that 20 charges had been filed for trespassing.

A group of students had occupied the FU lecture hall on December 14. According to the "FU Students for a Free Palestine", the aim was to "create a safe environment for learning, exchanging ideas and uniting against the ongoing genocide". According to the FU, there were "occasional clashes" between critics of the event and participants in the occupation, which is why the police were called. They cleared the lecture hall. As far as the FU is aware, the police also filed a complaint against one person for insulting others during the occupation.

According to the FU, in addition to the occupation, three other criminal charges were filed against unknown persons: two for anti-Semitic graffiti and one for political statements at an information stand. In addition, the university had become aware by chance that there had been a further three charges in connection with a physical altercation and an accusation of anti-Semitism on December 19.

The information on all criminal charges related to the period from October 18 to December 19 - whereby, according to the university, it could not be ruled out that possible further charges were not centrally known. On RBB, FU President Günter Ziegler recently also spoke of the fact that house bans were being examined.

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