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Frost and rain - weather service warns of danger of black ice

Temperatures around freezing point and rain or sleet are likely to continue to cause slippery roads in places in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland until this Friday. According to the German Weather Service on Thursday, it will remain free of precipitation during the day with highs of one to...

A passer-by in Frankfurt protects herself from the pouring rain with an umbrella.
A passer-by in Frankfurt protects herself from the pouring rain with an umbrella.

Weather - Frost and rain - weather service warns of danger of black ice

Temperatures around freezing point and rain or sleet are likely to continue to cause slippery roads in places in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland until this Friday. According to the German Weather Service on Thursday, there will still be no precipitation during the day with highs of one to four degrees and around zero degrees in the mountains. Rain will then move in from the west during the night to Friday, with some snow also falling in the mountains. Freezing rain with black ice is also to be expected. Temperatures will drop to minus three and in the mountains to minus five degrees.

On Friday, too, rain, sleet and freezing rain in places will initially require caution on roads and sidewalks. In the afternoon, the precipitation is likely to subside and it will be much milder with temperatures of up to six degrees and up to three degrees in the mountains. It will remain mild at the weekend: Temperatures will reach ten degrees on Saturday and eleven degrees on Sunday.

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